HiPPO Matrices
Table of Contents
This document provides the mathematic derivations of the HiPPO matrices that help readers understand the formulas. The contents are extracted and summarized from the original papers cited in references.
Derive HiPPO Matrices
The contents are extracted and summarized from the original paper [1], but we show more details in the derivations to help people to understand.
HiPPO considers a linear time-invariant (LTI) ODEs such that
\[\Large \begin{aligned} \dot{c}(t)=Ac(t)+Bf(t) . \end{aligned}\]-
\(c(t)\) is the coefficient vector that describes the combination of the basis functions, which corresponds to the state vector \(h(t)\) in the continuous state space model.
\(f(t)\) is the input signal that corresponds to the input vector \(x(t)\) in the continuous state space model.
\(\dot{c}(t)\) is the system dynamics that represents a compression of the history of \(f\) that satisfies linear dynamics.
Given a time-varying measure family \(u^{(t)}\) supported on \(( -\inf, t]\), a sequence of basis functions \(\mathcal{G} = \text{span} \{ {g_n}^{(t)} \}_{n \in [N]}\)] , and a continuous function \(f: \mathbb{R}_{\geq0} \mapsto \mathbb{R}\), HiPPO defines an operator that maps \(f\) to the optimal projection coefficients \(c: \mathbb{R}_{\geq0}\mapsto \mathbb{R}^N\), such that
\[\Large \begin{aligned} g^{(t)} = \text{argmin}_{g \in \mathcal{G}}\left\lVert f_{x \leq t} - g\right\rVert_{\mu^{(t)}} \end{aligned} \quad \text{and} \quad \Large \begin{aligned} g^{(t)} = \sum^{N-1}_{n=0} c_n(t) g_n^{(t)} \end{aligned}\]Measures
At every \(t\), the approximation quality is defined with respect to a measure \(\mu^{(t)}\) supported on \((-\infty, t]\). We seek some polynomial \(g^{(t)}\) of degree at most \(N-1\) that minimizes the error \(\begin{aligned} \left\lVert f_{x \leq t} - g^{(t)}\right\rVert_{L_2(\mu^{(t)})} \end{aligned}\). Suppose the measures \(\mu^{(t)}\) are sufficiently smooth across their domain as well as in time and have desities \(\begin{aligned} \omega(t, x) = \frac{d\mu^{(t)}}{d\lambda}(x) \end{aligned}\) with respect to the Lebesgue measure \(d\lambda(x)=dx\) such that \(\omega\) is \(C^1\) almost everywhere. Therefore, we have \(\begin{aligned} \omega(t, x) = \frac{d\mu^{(t)}(x)}{dx} \end{aligned}\). Thus, integrating against \(d\mu^{(t)}(x)\) can be rewritten as integrating against \(\omega(t, x)dx\). That is \(\begin{aligned} \int d\mu^{(t)}(x) = \int \omega(t, x)dx \end{aligned}\).
Orthogonal Polynomial Basis
We can use a sequence of orthogonal polynomials (OPs) as our basis to approximate the continuous function \(f\). A sequence of OPs \(P_0(x), P_1(x), ...\) satisfying:
\(\text{deg}(P_i)=i\), and
\(\langle P_i, P_j \rangle = \int P_i(x) P_j(x) d\mu(x) = 0\) for all \(i \neq j\)
A sequence of OPs \(g = \{P_n\}_{n \in \mathbb{N}}\) of degree \(\text{deg}(g)<N\) that approximate a function \(f\) is then given by
\[\begin{aligned} & \sum_{i=0}^{N-1} c_i \frac{P_i(x)}{\left\lVert P_i\right\rVert^2_\mu} \quad \text{where } c_i = \langle f, P_i \rangle = \int f(x)P_i(x)d\mu(x) \\ \end{aligned}.\]This projects an input sequence signal onto a sequence of OPs, and \(c_i\) describes the magnitude of the \(P_i\) to reconstruct the input signal.
Let \(\{P_n\}_{n \in \mathbb{N}}\) denote a sequence of OPs with respect to some base measure \(\mu\). Similarly, define \(\{ {P_n}^{(t)} \}_{n \in \mathbb{N}}\) to be a sequence of OPs with respect to the time-varying measure \(\mu^{(t)}\). Let \({p_n}^{(t)}\) be the normalized version of \({P_n}^{(t)}\) (i.e., have norm 1), and define \(\begin{aligned} p_n(t, x) = {p_n}^{(t)}(x) \end{aligned}\). The \({P_n}^{(t)}\) are not required to be normalized, while the \({p_n}^{(t)}\) are.
Tilted Measure and Basis
The goal is simply to store a compressed representation of functions, which can use any basis, not necessarily OPs. For any scaling function \(\begin{aligned} \chi(t, x) = \chi^{(t)}(x) \end{aligned}\) such that \(p_n(x)\chi(x)\) are orthogonal with respect to the density \(\omega/\chi^2\) at every time \(t\). Thus, we can choose this alternative basis and measure to perform the projections.
Define \(\nu\) to be the normalized measure
with density proportional to \(\omega^{t}/(\chi^{(t)})^2\). We will calculate the normalized measure and the orthonormal basis for it.
Let \(\zeta(t)\) to be the normalization constant: \(\begin{aligned} \zeta(t) = \int \frac{\omega}{\chi^2} = \int \frac{\omega^{(t)}(x)}{({\chi^{(t)}(x)})^2}dx \end{aligned}\) , so that \(\nu^{(t)}\) has density \(\frac{\omega^{(t)}(x)}{\zeta(t)(\chi^{(t)}(x))^2}\) If \(\chi(t, x) = 1\) (no tilting), this constant is \(\chi(t) = 1\).
Note that (dropping the dependence on x inside the integral for shorthand)
\[\begin{aligned} \left\lVert \zeta(t)^{\frac{1}{2}} {p_n}^{(t)} \chi^{(t)}\right\rVert_{\nu^{(t)}}^2 &= \int {( \zeta(t)^{\frac{1}{2}} {p_n}^{(t)} \chi^{(t)})}^2 \frac{\omega^{(t)}}{\zeta(t)(\chi^{(t)})^2} \\ &= \int (p_n^{(t)})^2 \omega^{(t)} \\ &= \left\lVert p_n^{(t)}\right\rVert_{\mu^{(t)}}^2 = 1 \quad. \end{aligned}\]Thus we define the orthogonal basis
for \(\nu^{(t)}\) (normalized measurement)
Therefore, we have
\[\Large \label{gn_gm} \tag{eq:2} \begin{aligned} \langle {g_n}^{(t)}, {g_m}^{(t)} \rangle_{\nu^{(t)}} = \lambda_n^2 \delta_{n,m} \quad. \end{aligned}\]Note that when \(\lambda_n=\pm1\), the basis \(\{ {g_n}^{(t)} \}\) is an orthonormal basis with respect to the measure \(\nu^{(t)}\), at every time \(t\). Notationally, let \({g_n}^{(t)}(x)=g_n(t, x)\) as usual.
The Projection and Coefficients
Given a choice of measures \(\nu\) and basis functions \(g\), we compute the coefficients \(c(t)\) to approximate a \(C^1\)-smooth function which is seen online \(f(x)_{x \leq t}\).
Approximate Input Function
We project the input function \(f\) to basis functions \(g\), and \(c(t)\) is the coefficient vector that describes the magnitude of the basis functions. Using the result from the formula [eq:1], we have
\[\label{approx_f} \tag{eq:3} \begin{aligned} c_n(t) &= \langle f(x)_{x \leq t}, {g_n}^{(t)} \rangle_{\nu^{(t)}} \\ &= \int f \textcolor{red}{ {g_n}^{(t)} } \frac{\omega^{(t)}}{\zeta(t)(\chi^{(t)})^2} \\ &= \int f \textcolor{red} { \lambda_n \zeta(t)^{\frac{1}{2}} {p_n}^{(t)} \chi^{(t)} } \frac{\omega^{(t)}}{\zeta(t)(\chi^{(t)})^2} \\ &= \int f \lambda_n \zeta(t)^{-\frac{1}{2}} {p_n}^{(t)}\frac{\omega^{(t)}}{\chi^{(t)}} \\ &= \zeta(t)^{-\frac{1}{2}} \lambda_n \int f {p_n}^{(t)}\frac{\omega^{(t)}}{\chi^{(t)}} \end{aligned}\]Reconstruct Input Function
The function \(f\) can be approximated by storing its coefficients with respect to the basis. At any time \(t\), \(f(x)_{x \leq t}\) can be explicitly reconstructed by using \(c_n(t) = \langle f(x)_{x \leq t}, {g_n}^{(t)} \rangle_{\nu^{(t)}}\) and the formula [eq:2], such that
\[\label{reconstruct} \tag{eq:4} \begin{aligned} f(x)_{x \leq t} \approx {g}^{(t)} &= \sum_{n=0}^{N-1} \textcolor{red} { \langle f(x)_{x \leq t}, {g_n}^{(t)} \rangle_{\nu^{(t)}} } \frac{ {g_n}^{(t)} }{ {\left \lVert {g_n}^{(t)} \right \rVert }_{\nu^{(t)}}^2} \\ &= \sum_{n=0}^{N-1} \textcolor{red}{c_n(t)} \frac{ {g_n}^{(t)} }{ \textcolor{green}{ {\left \lVert {g_n}^{(t)} \right \rVert }_{\nu^{(t)}}^2} } \\ &= \sum_{n=0}^{N-1} c_n(t) \frac{ {g_n}^{(t)} }{ \textcolor{green}{ \langle {g_n}^{(t)}, {g_n}^{(t)} \rangle_{\nu^{(t)}} } } \\ &= \sum_{n=0}^{N-1} c_n(t) \frac{ {g_n}^{(t)} }{ \textcolor{green}{\lambda_n^2} } \\ &= \sum_{n=0}^{N-1} \lambda_n^{-2} c_n(t) {g_n}^{(t)} \\ &= \sum_{n=0}^{N-1} \lambda_n^{-1} \zeta^{\frac{1}{2}} c_n(t) {p_n}^{(t)} \chi^{(t)} \\ \end{aligned}\]Coefficient Dynamics
The coefficients \(c(t)\) encode information about the history of \(f\) and allow online predictions. We compute these coefficients over time by viewing them as a dynamical system. Differentiating \(c_n(t)\), we have
\[\begin{aligned} \frac{d}{dt} c_n(t) &= \frac{d}{dt}( \langle f(x)_{x \leq t}, {g_n}^{(t)} \rangle_{\nu^{(t)}} ) \\ &= \frac{d}{dt}( \zeta(t)^{-\frac{1}{2}} \lambda_n \int f \textcolor{red}{ {p_n}^{(t)} } \textcolor{green}{ \frac{\omega^{(t)}}{\chi^{(t)}} } ) \\ &= \zeta(t)^{-\frac{1}{2}} \lambda_n \int f \textcolor{red}{ \frac{\partial}{\partial t}({p_n}^{(t)}) } \frac{\omega^{(t)}}{\chi^{(t)}} + \zeta(t)^{-\frac{1}{2}} \lambda_n \int f {p_n}^{(t)} \textcolor{green}{ \frac{\partial}{\partial t}(\frac{\omega^{(t)}}{\chi^{(t)}} ) } \\ &= \zeta(t)^{-\frac{1}{2}} \lambda_n \int f(x) (\frac{\partial}{\partial t} p_n(t, x)) \frac{\omega}{\chi}(t, x) dx + \int f(x) (\zeta^{-\frac{1}{2}}\lambda_n p_n(t, x)) (\frac{\partial}{\partial t} \frac{\omega}{\chi}(t, x)) dx \quad. \end{aligned}\]Case: HiPPO-LegS
Properties of Legendre Polynomials
An especially compact expression for the Legendre polynomials is given by Rodrigues’ formula [4]:
\[\begin{aligned} P_n(x) = \frac{1}{2^n n!} \frac{d^n}{dx^n}(x^2 - 1)^n . \end{aligned}\]The first few Legendre polynomials are:
\[\begin{aligned} P_0(x) &= 1 \\ P_1(x) &= x \\ P_2(x) &= \frac{1}{2} (3x^2 - 1) \\ P_3(x) &= \frac{1}{2} (5x^3 - 3x) \\ \end{aligned}\]The Legendre polynomials are orthogonal over \((-1,1)\) with respect to the measure \(\omega^{leg}=\boldsymbol{1}_{[-1, 1]}\) and they satisfy
\[\label{legendre} \tag{eq:5} \begin{aligned} \frac{2n+1}{2}\int_{-1}^{1} P_n(x) P_m(x) dx = \delta_{mn} \end{aligned}\]where \(\delta_{mn}\) is Kronecker delta, equal to \(1\) if \(m = n\) and to \(0\) otherwise, such that
\[\begin{aligned} \delta_{mn} = \begin{cases} 0,& \text{if } m \neq n \\ 1,& \text{if } m = n \\ \end{cases} \end{aligned}\]Also, they satisfy
\[\begin{aligned} P_n(1) = 1 \\ P_n(-1) = (-1)^n \\ \end{aligned}\]so called "Pointwise evaluations".
Shifted and Scaled Legendre Polynomials
The "shifted" Legendre polynomials are a set of functions analogous to the Legendre polynomials, but defined on the interval \((0, 1)\) [5]. They obey the orthogonality relationship
\[\begin{aligned} (2n+1)\int_{0}^{1} P_n(x) P_m(x) dx = \delta_{mn} \end{aligned}\]We will also consider scaling the Legendre polynomials to be orthogonal on the interval \([0, t]\). Let \(u=\frac{2x}{t}-1\), and apply a change of variables from [eq:5]
\[\begin{aligned} & \frac{2n+1}{2}\int_{u=-1}^{u=1} P_n(u) P_m(u) du \\ & \text{since } u = \frac{2x}{t}-1 \text{ , we have } du = \frac{2}{t}dx \\ & \text{since } x = \frac{t}{2}(u+1) \text{ , we have } x = 0 \text{ when } u=-1 \text{ ,and } x=t \text{ when } u=1 \\ & \text{replace } u \text{ with } x \\ &= \frac{2n+1}{2}\int_{x=0}^{x=t} P_n(\frac{2x}{t}-1) P_m(\frac{2x}{t}-1) \frac{2}{t}dx \\ &= (2n+1)\int_{x=0}^{x=t} P_n(\frac{2x}{t}-1) P_m(\frac{2x}{t}-1) \frac{1}{t}dx \\ &= (2n+1) \int_{x=0}^{x=t} P_n(\frac{2x}{t}-1) P_m(\frac{2x}{t}-1) \frac{1}{2}\omega^{leg}(\frac{2x}{t}-1) \frac{1}{t} dx \\ &= \delta_{nm} \end{aligned}\]Therefore, with respect to the measure \(\omega_t=\boldsymbol{1}_{[0, t]} / t\) (which is a probability measure for all t), we have
\[\begin{aligned} & (2n+1) \int_{x=0}^{x=t} P_n(\frac{2x}{t}-1) P_m(\frac{2x}{t}-1) \frac{1}{2}\omega^{leg}(\frac{2x}{t}-1) \frac{1}{t} dx \\ &= (2n+1) \int_{x=0}^{x=t} P_n(\frac{2x}{t}-1) P_m(\frac{2x}{t}-1) \omega_{t}(\frac{2x}{t}-1) dx \\ \end{aligned}\]Then, the normalized orthogonal polynomials in the interval \([0, t]\) with starting point is \(\textcolor{red}{0}\) and step size \(\textcolor{green}{t}\) are
\[\begin{aligned} (2n+1)^{\frac{1}{2}} P_n(\frac{2x}{t}-1). \quad \left( =(2n+1)^{\frac{1}{2}} P_n(\frac{2(x-\textcolor{red}{0})}{\textcolor{green}{t}}-1) \right) \end{aligned}\]Generalize to any interval \([t-\theta, t]\), we use \(\textcolor{red}{t-\theta}\) as the starting point and \(\textcolor{green}{\theta}\) as the step size. After replacing the notation, we have
\[\begin{aligned} &(2n+1)^{\frac{1}{2}} P_n(\frac{2(x - \textcolor{red}{ (t-\theta)}) }{\textcolor{green}{\theta}}-1) \\ &=(2n+1)^{\frac{1}{2}} P_n(\frac{2x-2t+2\theta}{\theta} - 1) \\ &=(2n+1)^{\frac{1}{2}} P_n(\frac{2(x-t)}{\theta} + 1) \\ \end{aligned}\], which is orthonormal for the uniform measure \(\omega_\theta= \frac{1}{ \theta}\boldsymbol{1}_{[t-\theta, t]}\)
Derivatives of Legendre Polynomials
use the following recurrence relations (the integration of Legendre polynomial [4])
\[\label{legendre_recur_1} \tag{eq:6} \begin{aligned} (2n+1)P_n &= P'_{n+1} - P'_{n-1} \end{aligned}\]and
\[\label{legendre_recur_2} \tag{eq:7} \begin{aligned} P'_{n+1} &= (n+1)P_n + xP'_n \end{aligned}\]The first equation [eq:6] yields
\[\begin{aligned}[c] P'_{n+1} &= (2\mathbf{n}+1)P_\mathbf{n} + \textcolor{red}{P'_{n-1}} \\ \textcolor{red}{P'_{n-1}} &= (2(\mathbf{n-2})+1)P_\mathbf{n-2} + \textcolor{green}{P'_{n-3}} \\ \textcolor{green}{P'_{n-3}} &= (2(\mathbf{n-4})+1)P_\mathbf{n-4} + \textcolor{blue}{P'_{n-5}} \\ ... \end{aligned} \quad\quad \begin{aligned}[c] P'_{n} &= (2(\mathbf{n-1})+1)P_\mathbf{n-1} + \textcolor{red}{P'_{n-2}} \\ \textcolor{red}{P'_{n-2}} &= (2(\mathbf{n-3})+1)P_\mathbf{n-3} + \textcolor{green}{P'_{n-4}} \\ \textcolor{green}{P'_{n-4}} &= (2(\mathbf{n-5})+1)P_\mathbf{n-5} + \textcolor{blue}{P'_{n-6}} \\ ... \end{aligned}\]Therefore we have
\[\begin{aligned} & P'_{n+1} = (2n+1)P_n + (2n-3)P_{n-2} + (2n-7)P_{n-4} ... \quad \text{ and} \\ & P'_n = (2n-1)P_{n-1} + (2n-5)P_{n-3} + (2n-9)P_{n-5} ... \end{aligned}\]where the sum stops at \(P_0\) or \(P_1\). By summing \(P'_{n+1} + P'_n\), we have
\[\begin{aligned} & P'_{n+1} + P'_n = \textcolor{red}{(2n+1)P_n} + (2n-1)P_{n-1}+ (2n-3)P_{n-2} + (2n-5)P_{n-3} + (2n-7)P_{n-4} ... \\ & P'_{n+1} + P'_n = \textcolor{red}{nP_n + (n+1)P_n} + (2n-1)P_{n-1}+ (2n-3)P_{n-2} + (2n-5)P_{n-3} + (2n-7)P_{n-4} ... \text{ (using eq:7)}\\ & P'_{n+1} + P'_n = nP_n + \textcolor{green}{P'_{n+1} - xP'_n} + (2n-1)P_{n-1}+ (2n-3)P_{n-2} + (2n-5)P_{n-3} + (2n-7)P_{n-4} ... \\ & P'_n \textcolor{green}{+ xP'_n} = nP_n + (2n-1)P_{n-1}+ (2n-3)P_{n-2} + (2n-5)P_{n-3} + (2n-7)P_{n-4} ... \\ \end{aligned}\]Therefore, we have
\[\label{legendre_result} \tag{eq:8} \begin{aligned} (x+1)P'_n(x) &= nP_n + (2n-1)P_{n-1}+ (2n-3)P_{n-2} + (2n-5)P_{n-3} + (2n-7)P_{n-4} ... \\ \end{aligned}\]We will use the result [eq:8] to derive HiPPO-LegS.
Derive HiPPO-LegS
Now we have the measure \(\omega(t, x) = \frac{1}{t}\mathbb{1}_{[0,t]}\) and the basis
\[g_n(t, x) = p_n(t, x) = (2n+1)^{\frac{1}{2}}P_n(\frac{2x}{t}-1)\]where \(P_n\) are the basic Legendre polynomials.
Since the basis functions \(g_n(t, x)\) are orthonormal with respect to the measure, we have the tiling function \(\chi(t, x) = 1\) (no tilting), \(\zeta(t, x) = 1\), \(\lambda_n=1\)
Plug \(\chi, \zeta, \lambda_n\) into [eq:3], we have
\[\begin{aligned} c_n(t) &= \zeta(t)^{-\frac{1}{2}} \lambda_n \int f {p_n}^{(t)}\frac{\omega^{(t)}}{\chi^{(t)}} = \int f {p_n}^{(t)} \omega^{(t)} \end{aligned}\]- HiPPO-LegS Derivatives
We first differentiate the measure and basis:
\[\begin{aligned} \frac{\partial}{\partial t} \omega(t, \cdot) &= -t^{-2} \mathbb{1}_{[0, t]} + t^{-1} \delta_t = t^{-1} (-\omega(t) + \delta_t) \\ \frac{\partial}{\partial t} g_n(t, x) &= -(2n+1)^{\frac{1}{2}}2xt^{-2} {P'}_n(\frac{2x}{t}-1) \\ &= -(2n+1)^{\frac{1}{2}}t^{-1} (\textcolor{red}{\frac{2x}{t}-1}+1) {P'}_n(\textcolor{red}{\frac{2x}{t}-1}) \quad. \end{aligned}\]Now define \(z = \frac{2x}{t} - 1\) and apply the result of derivatives of Legendre polynomials in the equation [eq:8].
\[\begin{aligned} \frac{\partial}{\partial t} g_n(t, x) &= -(2n+1)^{\frac{1}{2}}t^{-1} (z+1) {P'}_n(z) \\ &= -(2n+1)^{\frac{1}{2}}t^{-1} [nP_n(z) + (2n-1)P_{n-1}(z) + (2n-3)P_{n-2}(z) + ...] \\ & \left( \text{using } \quad (2n+1)^{-\frac{1}{2}} g_n(t, x) = P_n(\frac{2x}{t}-1) = P_n(z)\right) \\ &= -t^{-1}(2n+1)^{\frac{1}{2}} [n (2n+1)^{-\frac{1}{2}} g_n(t, x) + (2n-1)^{\frac{1}{2}} g_{n-1}(t, x) + (2n-3)^{\frac{1}{2}}g_{n-2}(t, x) + ...] \\ &= -t^{-1}(2n+1)^{\frac{1}{2}} [n (2n+1)^{-\frac{1}{2}} g_n^{(t)} + (2n-1)^{\frac{1}{2}} g_{n-1}^{(t)} + (2n-3)^{\frac{1}{2}}g_{n-2}^{(t)} + ...] \\ \end{aligned}\]- HiPPO-LegS Coefficient Dynamics
For example:
\[\begin{aligned} \frac{d}{dt} c_0(t) &= -\frac{1}{t} [(n+1) c_0(t)] = -\frac{1}{t} [1 c_0(t)] \\ \frac{d}{dt} c_1(t) &= -\frac{1}{t} [(n+1) c_1(t) + (2n+1)^{\frac{1}{2}}(2n-1)^{\frac{1}{2}}c_0(t)] = -\frac{1}{t} [2 c_1(t) + 3^{\frac{1}{2}}1^{\frac{1}{2}}c_0] \\ \frac{d}{dt} c_2(t) &= -\frac{1}{t} [(n+1) c_2(t) + (2n+1)^{\frac{1}{2}}(2n-1)^{\frac{1}{2}}c_1(t)+ (2n+1)^{\frac{1}{2}}(2n-3)^{\frac{1}{2}}c_0(t)] \\ & \quad = -\frac{1}{t} [3 c_2(t) + 5^{\frac{1}{2}}3^{\frac{1}{2}}c_1+ 5^{\frac{1}{2}}1^{\frac{1}{2}}c_0] \\ & ... \\ \frac{d}{dt} c_n(t) &= -\frac{1}{t} [(n+1) c_n(t) + \sum_{k=n-1}^{0}(2n+1)^{\frac{1}{2}}(2k+1)^{\frac{1}{2}}c_k(t)] \\ \end{aligned}\]Writing the result into the matrix form:
\[\begin{aligned} \frac{d}{dt} c_n(t) = -\frac{1}{t} A c(t) + \frac{1}{t} B f(t) \end{aligned}\]where
\[\begin{aligned} A_{nk} &= \begin{cases} (2n+1)^{\frac{1}{2}}(2k+1)^{\frac{1}{2}},& \text{if } n > k \\ n+1,& \text{if } n = k \\ 0,& \text{if } n < k \\ \end{cases} \\ B &= (2n+1)^{\frac{1}{2}} \end{aligned}\]We can also write the result into the form: \(\begin{aligned} \frac{d}{dt} c_n(t) = -\frac{1}{t} D[ MD^{-1}c(t) + \mathbb{1} f(t)] \end{aligned}\)
\[\begin{aligned} D &= \text{diag}[(2n+1)^{\frac{1}{2}}]_0^{n-1} \\ M_{nk} &= \begin{cases} 2k+1,& \text{if } n > k \\ k+1,& \text{if } n = k \\ 0,& \text{if } n < k \\ \end{cases} \end{aligned}\]- HiPPO-LegS Reconstruction
Plug \(\chi, \zeta, \lambda_n\) into [eq:4], we have
\[\begin{aligned} f(x)_{x \leq t} \approx {g}^{(t)} &= \sum_{n=0}^{N-1} \lambda_n^{-1} \zeta^{\frac{1}{2}} c_n(t) {p_n}^{(t)} \chi^{(t)} \\ &= \sum_{n=0}^{N-1} c_n(t) {p_n}^{(t)} = \sum_{n=0}^{N-1} c_n(t) {g_n}(t, x)\\ &= \sum_{n=0}^{N-1} c_n(t) (2n+1)^{\frac{1}{2}}P_n(\frac{2x}{t}-1) \end{aligned}\]References
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